Zoo of Amnéville


Zoo of Amnéville

Amnéville Zoo is the realization of a childhood dream: Michel Louis's passion for the animal world was sparked when he himself visited animals in a large French circus. As a child, teenager and later as a student, Michel spent all his free time visiting zoos and one day he decided to start his own zoo. The original idea of a zoo in Amnéville started in 1978. Initially, the project was met with skepticism and hostility and no one believed in the idea except the doctor Jean Kiffer who was the only support for Michel Louis and Jean-Marc Vichard. But the determination of Michel and Jean-Marc managed to see the project through all its difficulties and on June 28, 1986, Amnéville Zoo opened its doors to the public.

Practical information

  • Open every day from 9:30 to 19:30
  • Open on Sundays and public holidays until 20:00

Buy your tickets here.